Weekly Drop-in Jitneys and Blind Draws
Darts Alberta makes every attempt to keep this information as current as possible, but can only post the information that is provided. It is recommended that anyone interested in participating should contact the bar, service club or organizer directly to ensure the correct event details.
If you are aware of any weekly jitneys that are not listed or to correct any misinformation listed below, please email (webmaster@dartsalberta.com).
Calgary Area Jitneys
FRIDAY Evenings—501 Blind Draw Doubles (Register by 7:30 pm)
Rundle Community Centre, 2409 50 Street NE, CALGARY (403-280-4752)
Entry Fee: $10.00 per person + $1 for Snowball
Organizer: Mark DeLeon
SATURDAY Afternoons—501 Blind Draw Doubles
Rundle Community Centre, 2409 - 50 Street NE, CALGARY
Contact Bob Haddow (403-273-7732) for more details
FRIDAY Evenings—501 Blind Draw Doubles (Register by 7:00pm)
MoJo Billiards and Gaming, 121 Edmonton Trail SE (rear of Best Western Building) AIRDRIE (403-980-0944)
Entry Fee: $10.00 per person
Organizer: Justin Newman
Edmonton Area Jitneys
MONDAY Evenings—TACTICS Summer Drop-in Drops from mid-May to end of August
Every Monday except holidays, Venues switch every other week, EDMONTON
Entry Fee: $5.00 per person
Organizers: TAME Dart League
Points accumulate every week for prizes at the end of the summer
See TAME website for more details
FRIDAY Evenings—501 Progressive Doubles (Register by 7:15 pm)
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 27, 9964 - 93 Avenue, FORT SASKATCHEWAN (780-992-1980)
Entry Fee: $5.00 per person
FRIDAY Evenings—TACTICS Blind Draw Doubles (Register by 7:30 pm)
Opus Restaurant and Bar, 18228 89 Avenue NW, EDMONTON (780-489-9627)
Entry Fee: $5.00 per person
Organizer: Sam Haines
SATURDAY Evenings—501 Blind Draw Doubles - Straight-in, Double-out (Register by 7:30 pm)
Opus Restaurant and Bar, 18228 89 Avenue NW, EDMONTON (780-489-9627)
Entry Fee: $5.00 per person
Organizer: Lisa Roy
Central Alberta Jitneys
Wednesday Evenings—501 Doubles (Register by 7:00 pm)
Canmore Legion
All skill levels welcome
403 678 4200
TUESDAY Evenings—501 Doubles (Register by 7:30 pm)
The Hatchet, LACOMBE
All skill levels welcome
Organizer: DJ Stockburn (403-848-3724)
Southern Alberta Jitneys
FRIDAY Evenings—501 Blind Draw Doubles (Register by 7:45 pm)
ANAF #34, 517 5 Avenue S, LETHBRIDGE (403-327-4865)
Northern Alberta Jitneys
TUESDAY Evenings—7 pm to 10 pm
Br. 132 Legion, 4808 - 50 Street, ONOWAY (780-967-5361)
Contact the Legion for more details
WEDNESDAY Evenings—Triples at 6:30 pm
Br. 256 Legion, 4902 - 44 Avenue, STONY PLAIN (780-963-9232)
Year Round, Everyone Welcome!
Contact the Legion for more details
Br. 126 Legion, 5111 - 45 Avenue, MAYERTHORPE (780-786-2470)
Contact the Legion for more details
FRIDAY Evenings—501 Blind Draw Doubles (Register by 7:30 pm)
Br. 44 Legion, 4928 - 51st Avenue, WHITECOURT (780-778-3666)
Entry Fee: $5.00 per person
Organizer: Steve Schofield
FRIDAY Evenings—501 Blind Draw Doubles (Register by 7:30 pm)
Br. 54 Legion, 9912 101 ave, GRANDE PRAIRIE(780-532-3110)
Entry Fee: $13 per person, includes snowball
Organizer: Jean Nordin